The Dhaka Times
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MBA pass couple shopkeepers!

On October 2, an Indian woman named Deepali Bhatia reported about the couple on Facebook

The Dhaka Times Desk Indeed, such cases are rarely heard. Because it is natural that a person who has passed MBA will get bored with the job. But in addition to that government job, there is news of a couple who works and also sits in their own shop!

এমবিএ পাস দম্পতি দোকানদারী করেন! 1

Indeed, such cases are rarely heard. Because it is natural that a person who has passed MBA will get bored with the job. But in addition to that government job, there is news of a couple who works and also sits in their own shop!

According to a news report, both husband and wife have passed MBA (Master of Business Administration) and are working in a good company. Still, every day from 4am to 10am, he sat in a food stall outside the railway station, then went back to his workplace. But why do they do it?

On October 2, an Indian woman named Deepali Bhatia shared on Facebook about the couple that Ashwini came across Shenoy Shah and her husband's shop while looking for food at Mumbai's Kandivali station a few days ago. The couple was selling food like Poha, Upma, Parata, Idli at that time. While eating Deepali wants to know why they are sitting in the shop selling food?

The couple said that they opened this shop to help the old maids of the house. The 55-year-old housekeeper's husband is bedridden with paralysis. That's why Ashwini and her husband are selling food prepared by housekeepers in the shop so that they don't have to face financial hardship in their old age.

According to media reports, the status quickly went viral in the net world after being shared on Facebook. People from the net world have praised such a great initiative of the husband and wife there. Some also called them 'superheroes of humanity' in their comments. Some have also called it a parable. Again, Keo wished the couple all the best in the coming days. Thus everyone wished and congratulated this couple for such auspicious activities.

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