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The world's tallest building made of wood is in Russia

The Dhaka Times Desk A 150-year-old wooden church in Russia is believed to be the tallest wooden building in the world.

Moskau - Karelien - St. Petersburg   13.-23. Juli 1991

A church of Christ Orthodox in Russia is more than 150 years old. The whole church is made of wood. Even the nut is made of wood. Beautiful structure. Height 123 feet. It is located on Kizhi Island in the western part of Russia. The name is Kiji Pogost. It is located 150 miles east of the Finland-Russia border. Being next to Lake Anega, its beauty seems to have increased a little. It is the largest building in the world built entirely of wood. It is also the tallest wooden structure in the world.

As the late afternoon light falls on the silver and faded church domes, the building appears to be basking in the sun. The designs of the domes seem to be arranged in layers.

It is so perfect that it looks like it was created by an artist with all the colors in his mind. Each dome has a crucifixion symbol on its tapered head. The church has 22 domes. On the left is the entrance. When you go inside, you can see old brass products and beautiful wooden furniture.

It is known that the church was founded in the eighteenth century and the external beautification work was completed in 1862. It is one of the rarest religious architecture in the world. UNESCO recognized it as a World Heritage Site in 1990. Source: Daily Mail.

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