Categories: Picturesque

Crows and dolphins are now joined with pigeons in espionage!

The Dhaka Times Desk We all know about pigeon letter exchange. Moreover, that history is thousands of years old. But this time, the names of crows and dolphins are associated with pigeons.

Pigeons were once used as a medium of spies. But the fact that crabs and dolphins can act as spies is unheard of before. But this time it was heard.

সম্প্রতি সিআইএ’র একটি তথ্যে প্রকাশ পেয়েছে এমন একটি ঘটনার কথা। তাতে বলা হয়, রাশিয়ার সঙ্গে যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের স্নায়ুযুদ্ধ চলাকালীন সময়ে মার্কিন গোয়েন্দা সংস্থাটি কবুতর, কাঁক এবং ডলফিন এই ৩টিকে ব্যবহার করা হতো গুপ্তচর হিসেবে! শুধু তাই নয়, এই প্রাণী মিশনের পেছনে ৬ লাখ ডলার পর্যন্ত খরচও করেছে বলে সংবাদ মাধ্যমের এক খবরে জানা যায়।

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According to published information, these animals were trained for secret missions. Pigeons were also trained to photograph Soviet Union secret installations during the Cold War. The CIA would send crows to drop hidden speakers into enemy windows.

On this occasion, the crow was trained to drop or fetch an object weighing 40 grams from the windowsill. They were sent to buildings where strict security was maintained. The target where to drop the object with the laser was also explained to the crow. He was told to come back again by signaling the lamp.

What happened to the dolphins. Dolphins were trained for underwater missions. This was done especially for entering under seaports. The US intelligence agency CIA also succeeded in trying to attack with dolphins.

US intelligence agencies also wonder whether migratory birds can be used for spying. It has also been studied whether dogs can be controlled by electrical waves in their brains.

It is known, but the successful work of this spy was done by the pigeon. One of its amazing abilities is that even after leaving information in an unfamiliar place hundreds of miles away, the pigeon could return home along the same path.

This is not the case today Pigeons were used to collect intelligence during World War I. British Intelligence also had a pigeon intelligence force during World War II. Which was originally called 'Secret Pigeon Service'. More than a thousand pigeons of this special pigeon intelligence force are also known to have successfully returned messages.

Information about German radar stations and rocket emplacements is obtained from pigeons. In the 1970s, pigeon photography was also considered as part of an expedition called Takana.

The CIA also began experimenting with pigeon photography at that time. Cameras weighing 35 grams are hung on their bodies. Those cameras were automatic. The task of the pigeon was simply to fly through the right place. That's why the camera captured all the surrounding scenes.

According to a media report, a 1976 document shows Russia building its most powerful submarines near Leningrad, a port chosen for spy pigeon missions. However, documents relating to the type of classified information obtained during the mission have remained secret until now.

Recently, the US Navy has been using dolphins for mine removal. This US intelligence agency is claiming that it has achieved a significant amount of success.

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ৮, ২০১৯ 12:01 pm

Staff reporter

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