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As a mother, I will prosecute this murder: Prime Minister

The murder of Abrar Fahad, a brilliant student of BUET, will not be tolerated in any way

The Dhaka Times Desk Expressing anger over the murder of Bangladesh University of Engineering (BUET) student Abrar Fahad, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said that she will prosecute this murder as a mother.

একজন মা হিসেবে এই হত্যাকাণ্ডের বিচার করবো: প্রধানমন্ত্রী 1

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said that the Vice-Chancellor (VC) of the university, Professor Saiful Islam, should have gone to the campus as soon as he got the news of the murder.

He said these things while sitting in an unscheduled discussion with the central leaders of Awami League and leaders of Chhatra League at Ganobhaban on Tuesday night.

Expressing his anger on the VC, the Prime Minister asked and said, what kind of VC is he? A student died, and he was out for so long? He should also have attended Abrar's funeral.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said that the murder of this brilliant student of BUET Abrar Fahad will not be tolerated in any way. Those involved should get maximum punishment. No one will be exempted. Not only as Prime Minister, but as a mother, I will prosecute this murder.

The Prime Minister said, this incident is very sad and undesirable. I have instructed the law and order forces to take maximum action immediately after the incident. Those involved in the incident have been arrested. Legal proceedings have already started.

Several leaders present at the meeting confirmed this information to the media. They said that the Prime Minister has also directed the activists to be alert and cautious. The Prime Minister said that now various provocations will be given but no trap can be stepped on.

The Prime Minister said, whenever the murder happened, I asked the law and order forces to take action immediately. Many tried to destroy the signs. I asked myself to save the Fujets. We are taking measures. According to my party, I am not giving any concession to anyone. Still there are some people and some organizations who do not see the good in the government. Always they try to find negative things.

Commenting on this incident, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said that no one should be able to fish in the muddy waters, and the leaders and activists of Awami League and Chhatra League should be careful for this. Who did this incident, under whose direction, everything will be found out. He also said, I am taking the country to a place. At such a time various kinds of incidents are being tried.

In that meeting, Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader, Presidium member Abdul Matin Khosru, Joint General Secretary Mahbubul Alam Hanif, Jahangir Kabir Nanak, Abdur Rahman, Organizing Secretary BM Mozammel Haque, AFM Bahauddin Nashim, Khalid Mahmud Chowdhury, Enamul Haque Shamim, Mahibul Hasan Chowdhury Naufel, Publicity Secretary Dr. Hasan Mahmud, central member Anwar Hossain, acting president of Chhatra League Al Nahian Khan Joy, acting general secretary writer Bhattacharya and others were present.

It is to be noted that Abrar Fahad, a student of Bangladesh University of Engineering (BUET), was brutally beaten to death in a torture cell of Sher-e-Bangla Hall by some leaders of Chhatra League. This incident has continued to protest and condemn across the country. Nationwide marches and meetings are continuing to demand justice for this brutal murder. Police have arrested 13 people so far. 10 people are already being interrogated on 5-day remand.

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