The Dhaka Times Desk India has now started to catch up with America. According to an Indian media report, India is buying aircraft for Modi as well as US President Donald.
India has now started to catch up with America. According to an Indian media report, India is buying aircraft for Modi as well as US President Donald.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is going to get security just like US President Donald Trump. Two special anti-missile Boeing 777 aircraft will arrive in India by the middle of next year.
It has been reported that the two planes are being brought for the security of Indian Prime Minister Modi. However, apart from Modi, the President and Vice President of India can board the plane.
Efforts are underway to implement plans for this aircraft. The two planes will be named Air India One. This aircraft will have a special configuration. Apart from the office space, there will also be a meeting room on the plane. There will also be special communication systems.
Just like the US President travels to different countries using Air Force One, Air India One will also have a Self Protection Suite (SPS). It is known that this SPS security system is a very advanced security system. This aircraft will also have the use of all kinds of advanced technologies.
It is known that missile attack can be prevented easily through this SPS defense system. The aircraft will also have special capabilities to jam enemy radars. This aircraft will also change the trajectory of the missile. The aircraft's warning and countermeasure systems require no action by the pilot.
Reportedly, it will start working automatically as needed. It will cost about 190 million US dollars to buy this new aircraft. This special type of aircraft is being made in Dallas, USA.
Source: Hindustan Times.
This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ১২, ২০১৯ 2:45 pm
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