The Dhaka Times Desk A 30-year-old rich Japanese tourist came to Paris. He rose to a five-star hotel called Napoleon in front of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. But he lost his watch worth 7 million rupees while buying cigarettes!
According to a report in the media, the rich Japanese tourist left the hotel late at night to buy cigarettes. ARC approached the Triumphal Monument and asked a man where the cigarette shop was. At that time he was carrying a rare and expensive watch made of diamonds. Within a few minutes, Richard Mille's rare and valuable watch worth 770,000 Euros was robbed. At that time, a miscreant stole the watch from his hand and ran away.
It is known that the rare watch made of diamonds is known as Tourbillon Diamond Twister. The market value of which is 8 lakh 40 dollars (about 7 crore 11 lakh 28 thousand 260 taka).
The prices of these mill made timepieces are very high in the world market. Its mechanism is also completely different. Even the eyes of the thief in Paris did not escape that distinction.
The Paris police say that as soon as the Japanese man came out into the street, a thief grabbed his arm and snatched the precious watch and ran away. However, the police of the country said that the tourist was not harmed in this incident.
After the diamond-encrusted watch was stolen, French authorities have also formed an investigation committee to catch the thief. But the Japanese man may consider himself a little too lucky, the country's police say.
As the reason, the police say that the thief left behind a mobile phone while fleeing after snatching the watch. The police are investigating based on this phone. The Paris police are seriously advancing the investigation to find out whether organized gangs are involved in this type of theft.
Burglary in Paris, the capital of France, has been on the rise in recent years. Expatriate Bangladeshis and tourists are often subjected to robbery, theft and unwanted attacks in important tourist spots including Gare du North, La Chapelle, Overvilliers, Cercel, Sainte-De-Nice, Champ Elysée Avenue in Paris.
Thieves often target wealthy tourists in tourist spots. Between January and September this year, 71 such thefts took place in Paris and its surrounding areas. In which at least 4 Richard Mille brand watches were stolen. Each of which will be worth over one lakh euros.
Previously, in 2014, Prince Abdulaziz bin Fahad (41) attacked the convoy of Porte de la Chapelle in the northern part of Paris and looted 2 lakh pounds (British) or 2 crore 50 thousand taka.
Notably, Paris newspapers describing the incident mentioned the theft of about 12 valuable watches in the past few months.
This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ১৪, ২০১৯ 4:03 pm
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