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In India's Uttar Pradesh, a girl who was 'buried alive' was rescued!

The Dhaka Times Desk Such incidents happen occasionally in different parts of the world. A baby girl has been rescued alive after being buried in the ground in Uttar Pradesh, India. This incident has created quite a stir in the area. In many parts of India, the birth of a girl child is frowned upon. Due to which sometimes such undesirable events are seen to happen. Many people think that this incident may have happened for some reason.

Such incidents happen occasionally in different parts of the world. A baby girl has been rescued alive after being buried in the ground in Uttar Pradesh, India. This incident has created quite a stir in the area. In many parts of India, the birth of a girl child is frowned upon. Due to which sometimes such undesirable events are seen to happen. Many people think that this incident may have happened for some reason.

On October 14, the international press quoted the local police chief as saying that while burying a newborn dead child, the villagers found the child alive.

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According to the police, a man of the village was digging a 'grave' for his child who died soon after birth. Then, suddenly, a spade is felt in an earthen pot. He picked it up and saw a living baby girl inside. Later the child was rushed to the hospital. The child is currently recovering slowly.

Uttar Pradesh Police Chief Abhinandan Singh told reporters that the rescued child was buried alive in a pit about 3 feet deep. It is believed that her parents wanted to kill the child because she was born as a girl. Police are trying to find them.

It should be noted that gender inequality is very pronounced in India. Women in the country are socially discriminated a lot. In India, girls are seen as a burden on the family, especially in poorer societies. Millions of children die in India every year in the fetal stage due to preference for sons. Killing of girl child immediately after birth is not new in the country.

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ১৫, ২০১৯ 4:06 pm

Staff reporter

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