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Jim-Alvi's music video 'Kalija' is out today

The song features Jim and Alvi Mamun as models

The Dhaka Times Desk Popular vocalist SI Antar's music video 'Kalija' is out today. The song features Jim and Alvi Mamun as models.

জিম-আলভীর মিউজিক ভিডিও ‘কলিজা’ আজ প্রকাশ পাচ্ছে 1

Popular vocalist SI Antar's music video 'Kalija' is out today. The song features Jim and Alvi Mamun as models.

Today (October 17) the music video of singer SI Antar's song 'Kalija' is out. The lyrics and music of the song are composed by artist SI Antar himself. The song features Jim and Alvi Mamun as models. This music video is produced by Sajin Khan.

About the music video, producer Sajin Khan said, 'This work has been done with great care. If the audience likes the song and music video, then my hard work will be really worthwhile.'

Model Jim said about this music video, 'I tried my best to do it well, the rest is the responsibility of the audience to judge. Moreover, the work has been done very well in terms of melody, music arrangement and singing.'

The video will be published on 'MR Bestmedia' YouTube channel.

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