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NASA scientists claim: Evidence of life was found on Mars 40 years ago

The Dhaka Times Desk A new information has emerged about Mars. NASA scientists claim evidence of life on Mars as early as 40 years ago.

NASA sent a Biking Lander to Mars in 1976. The principal investigator at that time was a scientist named Gilbert V. Levin. He recently wrote an article about the expedition in an American journal. There he wrote that it was at that time that evidence of life was found on the Red Planet.

According to Indian media reports, the experiment was called 'labelled release.' The lander was sent to test the original Martian soil. This former NASA scientist claimed that all the questions were roughly answered then.

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It is known that some nutrients are found in the soil of Mars in that test. Scientists hypothesize that if there was life on Mars, it would eat food and excrete gaseous material, which is essentially evidence of their digestion. The scientist said that evidence was found in the radioactive monitor of the lander.

The scientist claims that NASA tested the soil for the second time. Twice the proof of life comes up. However, NASA could not find a copy of the test results in their laboratory. So the correct result did not come out in the end.

Levin clearly states in that article that the lander found traces of life, even if there was no evidence of actual life. However, this scientist pointed out that later NASA never sent a probe to Mars.

However, after a few decades, some more significant signs were found, he said. NASA's 'Curiosity' finds traces of organic matter on Mars NASA has even found evidence that there was once a salt lake.

By seeing the thick layer of salt on the surface of the cavity, the researchers think that the salt layer proves the existence of life on Mars. Scientists have said that there is no special difference between the climate of Mars and the Earth. So just like the Earth, the salt water lake has dried up on Mars too. Gale Crater was chosen to study how it has changed.

NASA will launch the 'Mars 2020' rover next summer. It will reach Mars in February 2021. It will contain a device that will provide evidence of the existence of life in the past.

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ১৬, ২০১৯ 6:00 pm

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