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There is no place for dead bodies in India due to exclusion from the civil registry!

More than 10,000 people blocked the road and formed a human chain on the death of Dulalchandra Pal

The Dhaka Times Desk A person named Dulalchandra Pal died four days ago while staying in the detention camp (incarceration) in Tezpur, Assam, who was excluded from the civil registry. Tension has started over his dead body.

নাগরিকপঞ্জী থেকে বাদ পড়ার কারণে ভারতে লাশেরও ঠাঁই নেই! 1

Since his death on Sunday, the tension has been going on over his body for four days. His family is not willing to take responsibility for Dulalchandra's body. Their demand is that the body should be sent to Bangladesh.

Dulalchandra Pal, a resident of Alisinga village in Shonitpur, died while undergoing treatment at the Guwahati Medical College after being ill for quite some time. He was 65 years old at the time of his death. More than 10,000 people blocked the road and formed a human chain on the death of Dulalchandra Pal. It was then that an inquiry was ordered by the Assam state government. His family has made it clear that they will not take the body until he is declared an Indian citizen.

Ashish Pal, the elder son of deceased Dulal Chandra Pal, told the media, 'Since the state government has declared him a foreigner, his body should be handed over to Bangladesh. Only if the government issues a statement declaring that he is not actually a foreigner, but an Indian citizen, then we will take the body.'

The state government has sent representatives to his home several times over the past four days to convince the family and villagers to take back the body. So far they have not responded to that request. Dulalchandra's family members said that Dulalchandra Pal was declared a foreigner in 2017. He was declared a foreigner at that time despite his mental instability.

Shonitpur Deputy Commissioner Manvendra Pratap Singh said, 'The tribunal has declared him a foreigner. That is why it is completely beyond the purview of the administration to discuss their demands. If they want to go to the High Court challenging the Tribunal's verdict, we can provide them with legal assistance. We want progress on this matter.'

According to hospital sources, Dulalchandra Pal was undergoing treatment for diabetes and psychiatry. Doctors of Tezpur Medical College examined him on October 11. He was taken back to the detention center on the same day.

The family and villagers of dead Dulalchandra demanded that the jail officials brought documents to return the body. The document declared him a 'foreigner' and left the address space blank. His son said, 'The jail authorities knew the address very well, yet the place was kept empty. We think they could have given any address in Bangladesh. If he is Bangladeshi, why was he brought to us? They should now send the dead body to Bangladesh.'

Camp officials said the administration planned to wait another day or two. They said that they are thinking about how to cremate the dead body.

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