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Son saved 35 kg of coins in 12 years to buy a refrigerator for his mother!

This year, Ram Singh bought a fridge for his mother's birthday

The Dhaka Times Desk The son wanted to give his mother a fridge on her birthday. That is why Ram Singh, a 17-year-old youth from Saharanpur, Jodhpur, India, has been collecting 1, 2, 5 and 10 taka coins for 12 years.

মাকে ফ্রিজ কিনে দেওয়ার জন্য ছেলে ১২ বছরে ৩৫ কেজি কয়েন জমিয়েছে! 1

Finally, that college student's dream has come true. This year, Ram Singh bought a fridge for his mother's birthday. It is known that Ram Singh was only 5 years old in 2007. Since then, Ram Singh started collecting coins. After 12 years, the weight of all the coins has gone up to 35 kg. With that 35 kg coins, Ram Singh appeared directly in the fridge showroom.

On his mother's birthday, Ram Singh saw an advertisement in the newspaper, offering a special discount on the purchase of a refrigerator. Seeing that, Ram Singh wasted no more time. Directly called the showroom owner to buy the fridge.

But he said the price would be through coins. Then the showroom owner did not realize that he would pay the entire price of the fridge through coins. After coming to the showroom, it is seen that Ram Singh has 13 thousand 500 rupees.

But if you want to buy a fridge you need another 2 thousand rupees. However, the owner of the showroom was overwhelmed by hearing all the words of the young man. With a further discount, he gave the fridge to Ram Singh for 13 thousand 500 rupees. Showroom owner Harikrishnan Khatri took all the coins after seeing his love for his mother.

In this regard, Ram Singh said, our old fridge had gone bad. Mom has been talking about buying a new fridge for a long time. That's why I started collecting coins. It is said that Ram Singh started depositing coins in a big container. When the pot was full, Ram Singh would take out the money and give it to his mother. But the coins were kept.

Ram Singh said, used to keep coins in a big container. 1 taka, 2 taka, 5 taka, 10 taka coins were kept separately. On the day of the incident, Ram Singh went to the Shivshaktinagar showroom with a sack full of coins. It took about 4 hours to count all the coins.

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