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The shooting of Kabri's film 'Aei Tumi Sei Tumi' is starting

However, Kabri, who likes to write, wrote a film script around 2008-09. Due to lack of time, he was not able to enter the field with the film

The Dhaka Times Desk Kaori is the once sweet girl of Dhaka film. In 1964, she started her acting career as the heroine of the film 'Sutrang' directed by Subhash Dutt. Now the shooting of Kabri's film 'Aei Tumi Sei Tumi' is starting.

কবরীর ‘এই তুমি সেই তুমি’ ছবির শুটিং শুরু হচ্ছে 1

After starting in 1964, Karbi has acted in countless classics including Heeraman, Mainamati, Chorabali, Paruler Sansar, Baram, Sujan Sakhi, Sareng Bou, Din Jai Katha Haile, Agantuk.

He also made his debut as a film director in 2005. Produced a movie called 'Ayana'. He also played an important role in that film. After entering politics, this actress became irregular in directing and acting.

However, Kabri, who likes to write, wrote a film script around 2008-09. Due to lack of time, he was not able to enter the field with the film. He announced the production of that film in 2015. He said, the name of the film will be 'Ae Tum Se Tum'.

The romance and mentality of two pairs of two generations will emerge in the story of this film. However, Kabri could not make this film with a budget of around one and a half crore rupees due to lack of money. He also applied for government grants twice under compulsion. Finally, this year the response has been received. He received a grant of Rs.

Now this actress is entering the field in full swing. He said that he will start shooting this film in December. That is why the necessary preparations are being made.

Who are the bride and groom in the picture? In this context Kabri said, 'So far it can be said that Sohail Rana will act. I will stay too. There is another pair in the film. I am looking for them. There will also be a hero of Dhaka. He wants to take a Kolkata actress with him. Talked to several people. I will announce the name of the pair soon if it is final.'

Arifin Shubo's name was heard in Dhaka as a hero in the film 'Aei Tumi Sei Tumi' around 2016. But Kabri said, 'Nothing has been finalized yet. After a long wait, I am going to make the film. I want to start the work by listening and understanding a little.'

Kabri also said that apart from the four artists of the two pairs, the film 'Aei Tumi Sei Tumi', which received a grant in the financial year 2018-2019, will also feature the renowned crew of Bangladesh. This once popular actress Kabri is trying to make an excellent entertainment movie with an original story.

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