The Dhaka Times Desk There is no substitute for trees in maintaining the balance of our nature. How much this tree helps us to maintain human civilization, control the balance of the environment and provide everything by depleting the environment.
But can we give them back everything against this benefit? We all know that having trees is very good, but can we contribute to the protection of forests by taking proper care of trees and protecting trees? Recently, the forests are being deforested. Amazon recently burned to ashes. Now the matter of taking care of the trees is far from the matter, saving the trees recently is the biggest challenge for us. At one time, human civilization and life were endangered due to the rapid growth of trees. Because the amount of oxygen in the air was excessive then the number of fires increased all over the world. If those oxygen levels had continued, it would have been difficult for fossils to survive. But the current situation proves otherwise.
Currently, the number of trees for every human being in the world is about 422 which shows a very alarming statistic in front of us. This information was published from a 2015 Yale University study. Today, the total number of trees on our planet is a little over three trillion. Each continent of the world is divided into four hundred thousand areas where all kinds of trees are present. All these types of images are collected by satellites. This research was very complex and difficult. Supercomputers and advanced technology systems are used in such difficult tasks. Recent studies have shown that we are currently killing 15 billion trees a year, which is a yearly figure. Various studies have also revealed that trees are more abundant in summer regions but denser in colder regions. There are about 750 billion trees in North America, adjacent to Russia. But in polar regions its density is only one per meter.
Small countries have more trees than all the big countries of the world. In that case, the country called Suriname is notable among the small countries of Africa. In this country, about 98.3 percent of the area is deep forest. In that case, the indigenous people of the country conduct all kinds of activities in the protection of these forests and they are also very vocal politically. Laos is the only country in Asia that has large forests covered with trees. About 82 percent of this country is covered by forests.
From the above discussion it can be easily guessed that the amount of trees is decreasing at a noticeable rate along with time. Growing trees is a must for all of us to protect our planet and recover from disasters. To protect our environment, the earth and all living things, we must all work towards the goal of growing trees.
This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ২২, ২০১৯ 9:39 am
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