Categories: Picturesque

A person died while proposing marriage under water!

The Dhaka Times Desk An American citizen drowned while proposing to his girlfriend underwater while on vacation in Tanzania!

An American citizen drowned while proposing to his girlfriend underwater while on vacation in Tanzania! According to a BBC report, Steve Weber and his female friend Kenesha Antoine were staying in a half-submerged cabin at Manta Resort on Pemba Island.

Video footage shows Weber proposing to his girlfriend from underwater. Weber was videoing the incident from inside the cabin just as Miz Antoine was handing out a handwritten proposal.

Confirming Weber's death in a Facebook post, Antoine wrote that he 'didn't come out of that deep water.'

Weber "unfortunately drowned during a solo dive from an underwater room in the afternoon," Manta Resorts said in a statement.

In a statement, the resort said, "It is with deep sadness that we inform you that a tragic accident has occurred at Manta Resort.

Weber and Antoine rented the resort's underwater room for 4 nights. The room is located at a distance of about 250 meters from the shore. The cabin, located 10 meters below water, costs $1,700 per night.

Weber, a native of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, went underwater in a swimsuit on the third day of their stay. He had a note in his hand this time. In the video, Weber also pulls out a ring to show Antoine, who is videotaping the note from inside the room. Then he was seen swimming away.

Saos, the resort's chief executive, told the media that his staff told him there was 'something wrong' with the water, but when they arrived there was 'nothing else they could do.'

In a Facebook post, Antoine wrote, "The cruel irony of fate is that what was supposed to be the best day of our lives turned out to be the saddest day."

The US State Department has confirmed that the person who died in Tanzania was a US citizen.

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ২২, ২০১৯ 11:42 am

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