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10 countries that own the most gold

The Dhaka Times Desk Several countries in the world are famous for gold or can be said to own the most gold. There are 10 such countries. Find out about 10 such countries today.

The World Gold Council has published an information about how much gold reserves are in a country. As of September 2019, this information has been verified by the World Gold Council. Among them, the list of top 10 countries in the world is given below.

1. America: Do you know which country has more gold stored in its vault? The answer must be America. The total amount of gold stored in America is 8134 tons.

2. Germany: The total amount of gold stored under the supervision of the German administration is 3367 tons. Germany is known as the second richest country in the world in terms of gold.

3. Italy: According to the gold list, Italy is third in the world. 2452 tons of gold is stored in Italy. Not only that, Italy has been maintaining the size of its gold reserves for years.

4. France: France is the fourth country in the world in terms of gold reserves. France has started selling the gold it has accumulated over the past few years. Currently, its central bank has 2436 tonnes of gold reserves.

5. Russia: Russia's central bank has been the world's biggest buyer of gold for the past 7 years. 2219 tons of gold are currently stored under the supervision of the Russian administration. Russia ranks fifth in the world in gold reserves.

6. China: China ranks sixth in terms of gold reserves. China buys a lot of gold from other countries. Currently, the People's Bank of China has 1,937 tons of gold.

7. Switzerland: Switzerland is the seventh country in the world in terms of stored gold. During the Second World War, this country became the center of European gold trade. Currently, the amount of stored gold is 1040 tons. Most of which are supplied to Hong Kong and China.

8. Japan: Japan is the third largest economy in the world. Japan ranks eighth in the world in terms of their gold reserves. The amount of gold stored in the Central Bank of Japan is 765 tons.

9. India: Our neighboring country India has saved much more gold in 2019 than in 2018 despite the rise in gold prices. The amount of gold accumulated in the country in 2018 was 560.3 tons, according to a survey report of 2019, the amount of gold is currently 618 tons. India is the 9th country in the world in terms of gold reserves.

10. The Netherlands: A total of 613 tons of gold is deposited in the Dutch Central Bank. AmsterdamDutch has the Central Bank's gold vault. The Dutch Central Bank has also announced that the vault will be moved to New Amsterdam for security reasons. The Netherlands ranks tenth in the world in terms of gold reserves.

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ২৭, ২০১৯ 12:16 pm

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