The Dhaka Times Desk In recent times various techniques of cheating are adopted. After researching how to cheat people, the methods of cheating are found out. Then people are duped just like that. This is exactly what happened. There is a news of a novel trick by dressing up a dog as a panda!
In recent times various techniques of cheating are adopted. After researching how to cheat people, the methods of cheating are found out. Then people are duped just like that. This is exactly what happened. There is a news of a novel trick by dressing up a dog as a panda!
According to a news report, such an incident happened recently in China. At a pet shop there, dogs are painted and decorated to look like pandas. Then they were sold as pandas. Recently, the matter has been caught in the eyes of buyers. After that, the owner of that shop came under controversy.
Many have complained that the dogs may suffer from any skin disease due to dyeing. That is why the owner of the shop neglected the natural beauty of the puppies. However, the owner of the shop did not care about these complaints of the people.
He told the media that the dogs are fine after being dyed. They are having fun and playing. I have used very expensive and safe colors so that they do not get sick in any way.'
It is known that other animals are also painted in that shop for about 18 thousand rupees. However, the owner of that shop denied this allegation.
It should be noted that the owner of the shop gets a much higher price if the puppy is sold as a panda. And so recently he has been selling puppies by painting them like pandas and decorating them as pandas. And many are victims of these frauds. Without understanding, many people are thinking of pandas and buying them. But after a few days after going home, that mistake broke. They realize that they have actually been cheated through a novel method of cheating.
This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ৪, ২০১৯ 10:00 am
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