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Sulaymani Mosque is the largest in Istanbul, Turkey

It was built between 1550 and 1557

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Friday, 8 November 2019 Christ, 25 Kartik 1426 Bangabd, 10 Rabiul Awal 1441 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

তুরস্কের ইস্তানবুল শহরের বৃহত্তম সুলায়মানি মসজিদ 1

The picture you are looking at is Sulaymani Mosque, the largest mosque in Istanbul, Turkey. This mosque is a historical mosque.

Suleymaniye Mosque (Turkish - Süleymaniye Camii) is the largest mosque in Istanbul, Turkey. It was built between 1550 and 1557. It is one of the finest examples of Ottoman architecture.

King Suleiman I ordered its construction and the mosque is named after him. The mosque was built as a symbol of the bravery of the Ottoman Empire. In the first half of the 16th century, the Ottoman Empire reached its peak under Suleiman the Magnificent.

The Ottomans were originally a nomadic people of Central Asia. They captured the Christian city of Constantinople in 1453 and renamed it Istanbul. They turned the city into an Islamic powerhouse.

Sulayman ordered the construction of a great mosque on a hill near the city to display the glory of his empire. The great dome and tall minarets of the mosque can be seen from any part of Istanbul. The mosque was designed by Sinan, the greatest architect of the early Ottoman Empire.

It is known that this Sulaimani Madjid was originally the central part of a larger building system, which included a madrasa, communal kitchen or building, hospital and library. Currently, the other buildings in the complex are not used for those purposes, but the mosque is still used for prayer. Muslims are still called to pray through the minaret's loudspeakers.

Image and information: Courtesy of

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