The Dhaka Times Desk Any type of healthy diet plan requires following the guidelines of each diet. Experts say, eating healthy food can reduce the risk of diabetes.
Eating according to dietary guidelines allows for a routine and on-demand provision of nutrients. Many people use the USD food pyramid in their balanced diet and in this case diabetics take help of the pyramid. Diabetic patients can utilize this food list by making some changes in their diet by using MyPyramid. In that case some instructions are given below.
1. In terms of food intake, the amount of sugar that we can provide to the body in a day should be divided and eaten at different times. A certain amount of sugar should be provided to our body every day. Ingestion should never give more or less into the body. In case of eating with other family members, the food plan can be shared in different ways so that it is possible to provide proper nutrition to the body through proper guidance.
2. When it comes to food intake, we all need to focus on having a variety of foods in our diet. Diabetic patients should measure their blood sugar after eating to understand the effect of food on their body. Regular check-ups for physical changes are recommended for all diabetics.
3. It should be noted that the food of each group contains the same nutrients, the same calcium, vitamins, proteins. It is very important to note this in the intake of dairy food, besides, it is better to have certain amounts of vitamins and riboflavin. In that case, the correct measurement is very important in taking sugar because sugar increases the blood sugar level in our body, in that case, the government should specify its measurement in advance so that it remains in a tolerable level in our body. However, every patient needs to follow a regular diet to keep their diabetes at a proper and tolerable level.
A regular diet is very important in controlling diabetes, in which case it should be divided into six to four meals which should include both snacks and meals. It is good to be familiar with different food groups such as grains, vegetables, fruits, oil, milk and dairy foods, fish, meat etc. should be arranged in proper order. Along with diet, regular exercise is very important. Regular walking is very important for diabetic patients as well as moderate exercise can be done to keep blood circulation in the body normal and diabetes under control. Diabetic patients also have restrictions in taking snacks, they can take fruit and bread as snacks. Diabetics should avoid consuming excessive amounts of fish and meat.
This post was last modified on মে ৩০, ২০২৩ 3:24 pm
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