Categories: Picturesque

Diamond and gold commode cost 9 million dollars!

The Dhaka Times Desk Earlier we saw such news. But that was news of the gold commode. But this time diamonds have been added to it. That is, a diamond and gold-studded commode has been made, which costs 9 million dollars! Thus, various valuable items were displayed in the exhibition. Which is considered enough to create a world record. In particular, the commode made of diamonds and gold is thought to be listed in the Greenhouse Book. And according to that, they have also taken preparations, it is said from the side of that organization.

Earlier we saw such news. But that was news of the gold commode. But this time diamonds have been added to it. That is, a diamond and gold-studded commode has been made, which costs 9 million dollars! Thus, various valuable items were displayed in the exhibition. Which is considered enough to create a world record. In particular, the commode made of diamonds and gold is thought to be listed in the Greenhouse Book. And according to that, they have also taken preparations, it is said from the side of that organization.

The commode is made with dazzling diamonds and gold. About 40,000 diamonds have been used in making this commode. This expensive commode was unveiled at the second China International Import Expo in Shanghai, China. The estimated value of this commode made of diamonds and gold is about 9 million dollars!

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A Hong Kong jewelery company designed this commode. The name of the jewelery company is Coronet. Bullet proof glass and around 40 thousand 815 diamonds of 334.68 carats are installed in this commode.

According to media reports, Coronet, the manufacturer of this commode, wants to be named in the Guinness Book of Records in the category of toilet with the most diamonds. A guitar studded with 400 carats of diamonds was also exhibited at the international conference.

According to media reports, the price of that guitar is about 2 million dollars! A diamond-encrusted pink high-heeled shoe is also on the featured list, valued at $4.25 million!

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ১২, ২০১৯ 9:56 am

Staff reporter

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