Categories: Science-invention

In the eyes of the architects, Panama City came?

The Dhaka Times Desk Suddenly, a ghostly atmosphere was created. The noise of hundreds of people around Panama City. On the one hand, the haunted environment, on the other hand, interest in the tradition. Various events are going on.

বাংলাদেশের ঐতিহ্য দেখতে এসেছেন সকলেই। দি আর্কিটেক্টস্ রিজিওনাল কাউন্সিল এশিয়া (আর্কএশিয়া)’র ২১টি দেশের প্রায় কয়েকশ আর্কিটেক্ট ঐতিহ্যকে দেখতে আসেন। তারা মুগ্ধ হয়ে বাঙালি সংস্কৃতি উপভোগের পাশাপাশি পানাম নগরী সম্পর্কে জ্ঞান আহরণও করেন।

চারিদিকে যেনো এক নিস্তব্ধ পরিবেশ। মৃত নগরীর পথে দু’একটা মানুষ। মৃত কোলাহল ও অব্যক্ত ইতিহাস যেনো জড়িয়ে রয়েছে এ নগরীর প্রতিটি ইটে। পথের দু’ধারে কালের সাক্ষী হয়ে দাঁড়িয়ে থাকা ধ্বংসপ্রাপ্ত ভবন ও কাঠামোগুলো যেনো হারানো জৌলুসের কথা জানান দেয় সব সময়। তবে আলোয় আলোকিত হয়ে উঠে এদিন।

About 450 years ago, how prosperous this city was, the two- and three-story buildings on both sides of the road make us think again and again. Walking on the road of Panam Nagar, it seems that I have come to the era of Isha Khan. Some kind of mystery is involved in this place. Each ruin has a story attached to it. Even though it is a ruin, it has no shortage of charm. One cannot help but be impressed by the architectural style of the buildings.

Currently, there is only one paved road that tourists visit in Panama City. There are 52 buildings on both sides of this 600 meter long and 5 meter wide road. The buildings have a touch of local architecture but are mainly built in a mixture of European and Mughal architectural styles. There are buildings from one floor to three floors. The walls of the building are also quite wide. The walls are made of bricks of various shapes and surki.

The wall decoration of several buildings is worth seeing. Various designs are painted, colored glass, stone, clay, porcelain, terracotta are used for these decorations. The floors of most of the buildings have been destroyed, but a few survive, especially those housing the Ansar. Most of the floors are red-white-black mosaics and several have black-white marble.

According to historian James Taylor, Arang's looms were located at Sonargaon Panam. This is Panam Nagar, a famous market for muslin art.

Note that The Architects Regional Council Asia (ARCAsia) is composed of the presidents of the national institutions of architects of the member countries. Member organizations work to expand regional activities and relationships. It was established in 1967 in New Delhi, India. Its current president is Rita Soh. Currently the 21 member countries are Bhutan, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, Philippines, Vietnam, China, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, Korea and Mongolia.

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ১৩, ২০১৯ 11:33 am

Staff reporter

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