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After 30 years, 'mouse-deer' was seen!

A rare species of small deer-like animal has been spotted in the forests of northwestern Vietnam.

The Dhaka Times Desk Like a really strange event. Because it looks especially like a rat's face. But it is actually a deer. After 30 years, such a 'mouse-deer'! One such rare species of small deer-like animal was found in the forests of northwestern Vietnam. It looks like a deer but it is not actually a deer. Again, the rabbit-sized animal looks a bit like a mouse. This small and strange animal is hence called 'mouse-deer'.

৩০ বছর পর দেখা গেছে ‘ইঁদুর-হরিণ’! 1

Like a really strange event. Because it looks especially like a rat's face. But it is actually a deer. After 30 years, such a 'mouse-deer'! One such rare species of small deer-like animal was found in the forests of northwestern Vietnam. It looks like a deer but it is not actually a deer. Again, the rabbit-sized animal looks a bit like a mouse. This small and strange animal is hence called 'mouse-deer'.

Experts said that this animal was seen after about 30 years. It was last seen in 1990.

An article about this animal was recently published in 'Nature Ecology and Evolution'. Zoologists there say it is a rupoli-backed chevrotine or mouse deer.

The deer is so named because it looks a bit like a rat. Mouse deer were first seen in Vietnam. It was first seen in 1910 near Nh Trang, 450 km from Ho Chi Minh City. However, after 1990, this animal was not seen again. The animal is believed to be on the verge of extinction due to poachers.

However, despite all this, two animal scientists in Vietnam continued to search for this mouse deer for a long time. They may also learn about the existence of this deer from some forest dwellers. They also said that they saw them. But there was no evidence of it. 30 motion-active cameras were placed in the area to prove the animal's existence. Only then was the picture of this mouse deer caught.

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