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Drone detection application

The technique uses a protocol called Wi-Fi Aware, through which the drone essentially broadcasts information about itself.

The Dhaka Times Desk Drone maker DJI has demonstrated a way to quickly locate nearby drones and pinpoint its pilot's location via a smartphone with this innovative app.

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The technique uses a protocol called Wi-Fi Aware, with which the drone essentially broadcasts information about itself. The agency said it will help prevent security threats and disruptions and provide peace of mind to the public. But experts believe that sophisticated criminals will still be able to be detected. That could be very effective against rogue drones, said Ellrike Frank, policy associate at the European Council on Foreign Relations, who studies the effects of the drone industry. But that won't be enough to fight off people with truly bad intentions, as these are the first inventions to hack the system, Hube assures.

DJI said in a statement that it could add functionality to drones already on the market through a software update. The firm explained: “Using a simple application, anyone within the drone's radio range can receive this signal and know the drone's location, altitude, speed and direction, as well as the drone's identification number and the pilot's location. However, a spokesman said that would only happen once regulations on remote detection of drones were agreed. He added that DJI has not yet decided whether to force customers to install the update.

While most drone operators act properly, there have been a number of high-profile instances of pilots behaving illegally – and others where suspected drone activity caused widespread disruption. This problem occurs from time to time. DJI's Adam Lisberg explained, “If Gatwick staff had a smartphone with this capability enabled in their pockets, they could pull it out, look up a registration number for the drone, see the flight path and the operator's location.

Mr Lisberg said the same approach could be used to help build trust. Perhaps using an app, he suggested, the public could discover a drone owned by the firm manufacturing the nearby drone was inspecting a roof at a specific address. It sounds like a step in the right direction,” added MS Frank. If we move to a place where drones become more ubiquitous, we all need to realize whether there are legitimate reasons for drones.

All drone manufacturers will eventually have to adopt a method of remote identification to comply with regulations coming up for deployment in different countries. The US Federal Aviation Administration, along with the country's Department of Transportation, are expected to release proposed rules on mandatory remote drone IDs next month – although the move has been repeatedly delayed. Even if consent is given once, these steps can take more than a year to take effect. The FAA has since asked drone manufacturers to come up with their own solutions. Widespread adoption of the technology will also be somewhat delayed by the so-far limited inclusion of the “Wi-Fi Hour” protocol in popular smartphones such as Apple's iPhone. which currently does not support it.

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