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Modern man's 'birthplace' was found!

At least two hundred thousand years ago, the 'evolution' of modern humans took place in northern Botswana!

The Dhaka Times Desk Now the modern man's 'birthplace' has been found! At least two hundred thousand years ago, the 'evolution' of modern humans took place in northern Botswana! Recently researchers have made this claim. The research paper was recently published in the journal 'Nature'. The famous Bengali daily Anandabazar newspaper of Kolkata said that where the 'ancestral home' of modern man was actually, it was not known until now.

আধুনিক মানুষের ‘জন্মভূমি’র খোঁজ পাওয়া গেলো! 1

Now the modern man's 'birthplace' has been found! At least two hundred thousand years ago, the 'evolution' of modern humans took place in northern Botswana! Recently researchers have made this claim. The research paper was recently published in the journal 'Nature'. The famous Bengali daily Anandabazar newspaper of Kolkata said that where the 'ancestral home' of modern man was actually, it was not known until now.

For a long time it was thought that anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens sapiens) originated in Africa. But the exact 'birthplace' of our species was indeed unknown. Botswana is the country of the Kalahari desert in the south of the African continent. It is a 'landlocked' country surrounded by different countries.

Scientists claim that this is the birthplace of our ancestors. DNA samples were collected from 200 Khoshi people, the original inhabitants of South Africa and Namibia, scientists said. Their bodies contain a large amount of 'L0' DNA. After that, the scientists compared the data obtained from the DNA test with several other important data, such as geographical location, archeological changes, the effects of climate change, etc.

This provides a genetic 'timeline', the researchers said. It can be seen that the 'L0' DNA was present 200,000 years ago in the area along the Zambezi River in Botswana, south of Africa.

One of the owners of this research is Professor Vanessa Hay of the Garvan Institute of Medical Research and University of Sydney. He said, the name of this area is 'McGadikgadi-Okavango'. At one time there was also a big lake here. It will double the size of 'Lake Victoria'. But now the place is completely deserted. Two million years ago, the lake turned into a swamp due to some natural calamity.

Scientists claim that this is where modern humans began to live. Later it spread in different ways in different places.

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