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Today there is a famous work of art by the master Michelangelo

The Dhaka Times Desk Michelangelo Buonarroti is one of the greatest artists of the Renaissance period. There is no doubt that his works had a tremendous influence on the development of Italian and Western art. A piece of his art still exists today.

Even after 450 years of his death, this legendary artist, Michelangelo, and his works of art continue to intrigue us. He was also a sculptor, painter, architect and poet. But he was more popular as a sculptor and painter. That is why Michelangelo is considered to be the greatest sculptor of all time. Some of Michelangelo's famous works of art include: Bacchus, Madonna of the Steps, Doni Tondo, Tadeo Tondo, Madonna and Child, Crucifixion of St. Peter, Moses etc. Those that move people around the world. Two of these artworks are being highlighted today. A famous work of this great and famous artist Michelangelo is not seen today like yesterday.

The Creation of Adam

The Creation of Adam is the third most famous work of Michelangelo. It is essentially a fresco (painting painted with water-based powder on a freshly plastered wet wall or ceiling). It was painted in a small church in the Vatican in Rome. The name of that church is Sistine Chapel. This fresco is painted on the ceiling of this church.

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Michelangelo preferred sculpting to painting. So when the Pope asked Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, he refused. That's why his enemies said that he can't paint. That is why he took up the task with much anger. Especially to close the mouth of the enemy!

It is known that it took him four and a half years to complete this entire roof. This fresco shows the Christian God creating Adam (called the first man). Where it appears that Adam is receiving his life from God, just by the touch of his fingers. Next to this fresco of his is another fresco called The Creation of Eve.

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ২৪, ২০১৯ 12:08 pm

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