The Dhaka Times Desk You may be worried about eating sweets as it can lead to weight gain. But from now on that thought is no more. Because experts say there is a time of the day when you don't have to suffer from weight gain problems even after eating sweets. What time is that?
You may be worried about eating sweets as it can lead to weight gain. But from now on that thought is no more. Because experts say there is a time of the day when you don't have to suffer from weight gain problems even after eating sweets. What time is that?
Health conscious people avoid sweets. And they think that the biggest enemy of weight gain is sweets. So they completely exclude sweets from the diet. But those who love to eat sweets, they are in great trouble. If they don't eat something sweet, they feel like there is an imperfection. But this time maybe their problem can be solved. A study says that eating sweets once a day will not make you gain weight.
Experts have named this particular type of diet plan the Egg and Dessert Diet. The main purpose of this diet is not only to lose weight, but also to control the urge to eat for no reason. That's why benefits are available after some time. In this diet plan, experts recommend eating sweets for breakfast. Experts have opined that eating a protein-rich dessert in the morning can keep the eating habits of the day under control. They do not gain weight as they do not have to eat several times a day.
According to a news report, researchers tested this diet plan on two groups. One group was given a normal low-carb breakfast. The other group was given only one sweet extra. After 8 months, both groups were able to lose weight. However, the first group did not lose weight in the same way during the next four months. Compared to this, the group that eats sweets has lost more weight!
From that study, it is believed that eating dessert or sweets for breakfast will not increase weight just as the desire to eat sweets can be fulfilled. However, those with high blood sugar should never forget to eat sweets or sweet foods.
This post was last modified on মে ৩০, ২০২৩ 3:11 pm
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