The Dhaka Times Desk Every day there are incidents of suicide somewhere in the world. Some are cutting their own hands and feet, causing themselves great pain. Now the question is why people harm themselves?
People become so desperate that many people turn to the thought of hurting themselves by hurting themselves. Most people who think about self-harm don't know what self-harm is and what strategies there are to get out of it.
King's College London impact and engagement researcher Dr. Sally Marlowe analyzed these questions in different ways on BBC Radio Four's Hearting, finding that there is no fixed answer.
Research shows that self-harm is not a mental illness. Self-harm does not mean that one would mutilate his body. In the UK self-harm means 'to poison or injure oneself willfully or intentionally or without warrant. There is much to think about with this interpretation. First: The person who is harming himself, should not be due to an accident, it should be intentional, i.e. he intentionally tries to harm himself.
There are many acts that essentially fall under the definition of self-harm. For example, someone who consumes poison, may do so by taking too much medicine or by eating something poisonous. But self-harm is essentially a more complicated matter. This can basically be considered a motivation to end life. There are many types of work to satisfy or prevent that motivation.
A few decades ago, for every one man, three women were hospitalized for self-harm injuries. Today the proportion of men who want to harm themselves has almost equaled the proportion of women. Research shows that more people are harming themselves now than ever before.
Why do people harm themselves? There is really no single answer to this question. But there is something underlying that drives people to harm themselves. Some people who self-harm have mental health problems such as depression or anxiety, but most do not have any mental health problems. People who have gone through emotional trauma are more prone to self-harm.
Experts say that people who are particularly discriminated against in society, such as people from the gay community or people who suffer from social isolation, are at the highest risk of self-harm. Some researchers also suggest that deprivation, poverty and austerity make people more prone to self-harm.
The economic downturn in recent years has been one of the reasons for the increase in self-harm. There is also a theory that social media has also played a role in increasing these self-harms. Source: BBC
This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ২৭, ২০১৯ 10:49 am
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