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Why people do not listen to the sound of bats?

Bats use their ears and not their sight

The Dhaka Times Desk We all know Bat. One of the strangest animals in the world is this bat. They have wings and can fly in the sky but still they are not birds. They are identified as animals!

মানুষ কেনো বাদুড়ের শব্দ শোনে না? 1

We know that the face of a bat is very similar to that of a fox. Bats also have large ears like rabbits. There are also two strange umbrella-like wings. But the strangest thing about bats is that despite having two big eyes, they cannot see with them. Even if you can't see with blind eyes, you can walk just like a sighted animal. But bats cannot walk in daylight, bats walk in the dark of night.

It is known that, in this case, the bat does not use the sight of its eyes, but the sound of the ear. He moves mainly by ear. Although bats shouldn't have a problem navigating during the day, bats do. Bats actually walk with the help of sound waves. When a bat moves, it emits a sound wave in the air. That sound is reflected by houses, trees, mountains or any big obstacle and comes back to the bat's ears. The bat's brain can tell from the reflected sound how far the obstacle in front is actually.

Bats can determine the direction of obstacles and open paths by depending on how long it takes for the sound to return to the ear. The bat brain works like a fine computer here. Because the speed of sound must be used to understand the distance of the obstacle ahead. The bat brain must know that. In an instant, he can accurately calculate the speed, distance and time of the sound and fix the right target.

It is a fact that most of the animals in the world, including humans, are awake during the day. Their daily activities cause billions of sounds to spread through the air. That particular sound wave of bat movement is lost in the noise of diurnal animals. So the bat never leaves its nest during the day because it cannot find its own sound wave in the crowd of billions of sound waves.

Bats throw a type of sound wave into the air to navigate. which we never hear. The sound of bats chirping is heard when they attack guava or litchi trees at night. But it is not a sound of their path, it is their common call. Bats use infrasonic or ultrasonic sound to navigate and search for food. Our ears can never catch these words. So there is no possibility of people hearing those words.

But it is surprising that the sound of the bat is so sharp that even if it hits our eardrum, the eardrum will tear. But we never hear the sound of the bat because it is at a different frequency.

Bats are mainly frugivores. They rely heavily on sound waves along with the olfactory power of the nose to locate fruits such as guava, litchi, jamrul etc.

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