The Dhaka Times Desk India's Mukesh Ambani has advanced further in the list of the world's richest people according to Forbes magazine. Now he is in ninth place, behind Google founder Larry Page and Sergey Brin. A total of 60.5 billion dollars or which is 5,12,598 crore 47 lakh 10 thousand taka in Bangladeshi currency. The owner of this property is Mukesh Ambani, the head of Reliance Industries. And so he is now the ninth richest person in the world. Larry Page and Sergey Brin are ranked 10th and 11th respectively on the Forbes list. Their assets amount to 5 thousand 960 million dollars and 5 thousand 750 million dollars respectively.
India's Mukesh Ambani has advanced further in the list of the world's richest people according to Forbes magazine. Now he is in ninth place, behind Google founder Larry Page and Sergey Brin. A total of 60.5 billion dollars or which is 5,12,598 crore 47 lakh 10 thousand taka in Bangladeshi currency. The owner of this property is Mukesh Ambani, the head of Reliance Industries. And so he is now the ninth richest person in the world. Larry Page and Sergey Brin are ranked 10th and 11th respectively on the Forbes list. Their assets amount to 5 thousand 960 million dollars and 5 thousand 750 million dollars respectively.
According to news media, the eighth place in the Forbes list is the owner of Grupo Curso, the industrialist Carlos Slim Helu and his family. On the other hand, the seventh billionaire is Amancio Ortega, founder of Inditex Fashion Group. Oracle Corporation owner Larry Ellison is number 6 on this list.
Facebook owner Mark Zuckerberg is the fifth richest person in the world according to Forbes magazine. The fourth billionaire in this list is Berkshire Hathaway founder Warren Buffett.
Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft and the richest industrialist of the past, is currently the third richest person in the world. On the other hand, Bernard Arnault, the leader of the fashion company Louis Vuitton, got the second place.
And Jeff Bezos, the leader of, has come to the top of Forbes magazine's list. Forbes published another list in March this year. Mukesh Ambani was on the thirteenth place in that list. Mukesh Ambani has come four steps further from there.