
Cities that tourists should visit in 2020

The Dhaka Times Desk Travel guide 'Lonely Planet' has come up with a wonderful message for travel enthusiasts. They say that 10 cities in 10 countries should be visited in the next year. They have also published a list of why you should visit those 10 cities in 2020.

Travel guide 'Lonely Planet' has come up with a wonderful message for travel enthusiasts. They say that 10 cities in 10 countries should be visited in the next year. They have also published a list of why you should visit those 10 cities in 2020.

Washington DC, USA

Next year, the United States will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the granting of the right to vote to women in Washington. 99 years ago, this country gave women the right to vote through the 'Nineteenth Amendment' to the Constitution. Washington will organize many colorful events on this occasion. Plus the city's revitalized 'waterfront' and diverse food scene for tourists will be a real treat. Travel guide 'Lonely Planet' thinks Washington must be on the foreign travel list in 2020 to enjoy these things.

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Salzburg, Austria

Travel guide 'Lonely Planet' has dubbed the Austrian city of Salzburg, the heartland of Europe, as 'an Alpine city that steals hearts'. Next year (year 2020) the centenary of the Salzburg festival will be celebrated there. On this occasion, various exhibitions and events will be organized in the historical center of the city. The whole of Salzburg will be buzzing with the country's local culture and music. The travel guide suggests that Salzburg is a must-visit for tourists who are interested in experiencing the culture of different countries.

Cairo, Egypt

Cairo, Egypt is called the city of museums. Cairo is the city of pyramids and ancient heritage. It is always an attractive place for tourists. But this time travel guide Lonely Planet is talking about visiting Cairo for a special reason. Cairo's famous 'Grand Egyptian Museum' will be fully open to tourists next year, they said. There will be a permanent display of the tomb and treasures of the enigmatic pharaoh King Tutankhamun. It is known that it will be very easy to travel to this city and the adjacent pyramids from other cities in Egypt, because a new domestic airport is also being opened there. So it goes without saying that Cairo will be bustling with tourists in 2020.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Dubai is one of the richest cities in the world. The colorful events of this city always attract tourists. But in 2020, Dubai will dress in a different color. Several major projects will be inaugurated in Dubai next year. Above all, there is a 6-month long World Trade Fair, where around 190 countries of the world will present various models of sustainability and mobility. A European-themed fantasy resort on an artificial island off the coast just two miles from there is also said to be open to tourists.

Galway, Ireland

The whole of 2020 has been left to Galway city in Ireland for culture lovers from different countries. The city will be a cultural capital of Europe in 2020. That is why various cultural festivals will be organized there throughout the year. So tourists visiting Ireland next year will be making a big mistake if they don't visit Galway. In the words of Lonely Planet, the 'flamboyantly bohemian' city of Galway is well known for its excellent pubs. So this city is a special attraction for tourists.

Vancouver, Canada

Located between the sea and the mountains, Vancouver is also a very eco-friendly city. The birthplace of Greenpeace has an extensive road network for cycling and walking. It can also be a good spot to visit in 2020 for tourists.

Bonn, Germany

After losing its capital status, Ban disappeared from many people's travel lists. However, people's interest in the city is expected to increase again next year. The Forest City authorities have taken the initiative to celebrate the 250th birth anniversary of the forest-born composer Ludwig van Beethoven in a big way. But apart from visiting the house of Bettophone, tourists will no doubt like to stroll along the banks of the Rhine.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ২, ২০১৯ 4:22 pm

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