Categories: Picturesque

A drunken raccoon drunk!

The Dhaka Times Desk We have seen a lot of people getting drunk. But that's why the animals and birds of the forest have started to get drunk after drinking alcohol! Such a news has gone viral in the net world. A raccoon suddenly lost its way and entered the Christmas market in Erfurt, Germany. Then the raccoon forgets to drink some of the wine that people have left behind. Then the madness begins. When the raccoon finally fell asleep at some point, it was taken to an animal shelter.

We have seen a lot of people getting drunk. But that's why the animals and birds of the forest have started to get drunk after drinking alcohol! Such a news has gone viral in the net world. A raccoon suddenly lost its way and entered the Christmas market in Erfurt, Germany. Then the raccoon forgets to drink some of the wine that people have left behind. Then the madness begins. When the raccoon finally falls asleep at some point, it is taken to an animal shelter.

According to media reports, bystanders videoed the raccoon's mauling. Videos circulating on social media show the raccoon walking around on wobbly legs. After playing with a woman's shoes, he falls asleep sitting in front of a building. Firefighters rushed to the spot and took it to an animal shelter.

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News media also reported that after the recent incident in the central German city of Erfurt, a city police spokesman said the raccoon had 'definitely been drinking'. However, the breathalyzer test was not performed on the animal to prove whether it was actually intoxicated.

It should be noted that the previous year was 2018. Then two porcupines drink from the Erfurt church, creating a frightening situation. At that time, the drunk porcupine was taken away by the police. The two animals were later given to a local zoo. Sometimes such events confuse people. Especially monkeys or similar animals are more accustomed to imitating humans. That is why they consume alcohol like humans.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ১১, ২০১৯ 4:54 pm

Staff reporter

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