Categories: international news

Some surprising facts about Sanna Marin, the youngest Prime Minister of the world

The Dhaka Times Desk At present, the world's youngest prime minister, Finland's Sanna Marin, has already revealed some surprising information in the international media.

At present, the world's youngest prime minister, Finland's Sanna Marin, has already revealed some surprising information in the international media.

It is known that Sanna Marin is actually a working mother. He was raised in a same-sex family. His mother was a homosexual and lived with his female partner. Growing up in such an unorthodox family, he suffered from inferiority complex for a while. Helsinki-born Sanna Marin wouldn't even openly talk about her gay family when asked about her family. As much as his words echoed in his mind, he felt himself to be 'invisible' in the society.

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The number of same-sex families, mainly in the Western world, is now much higher than in the past. However, the fact that the family has a negative effect on the children raised in such a family has never been fully proven. Manna talks about the challenges of a child growing up in a same-sex family.

Sanna says, 'The silence was eating away at me day by day, the feeling of my own non-existence made me doubt my own worth at some point. Our family was not considered a real family or equal to others. But I didn't have to suffer any kind of harassment because of that. Since my childhood I was a very frank and stubborn person. I never take anything lightly.'

Sanna Marin spent her teenage years working in a bakery. He was the first university student in his family. Sanna Marin said that her mother has always supported her to do what she wants. Sanna Marin, 34, also has a 22-year-old daughter, Emma Amelia Marin. The young Prime Minister of Finland, Sanna, has revealed the entire history of her pregnancy and motherhood through social media. She even shared pictures of herself breastfeeding her baby and how she spends time with her as a working mother, so that other working mothers can also be inspired by her struggles.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ১২, ২০১৯ 10:57 am

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