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Now recovered stone age chewing gum!

Now the question has arisen that then what chewing gum was eaten even in the Stone Age?

The Dhaka Times Desk Even then, what was chewing gum? This question can come to everyone's mind. Because this time a chewing gum has been recovered which is from the Stone Age! What is it really? Let's find out. The most amazing thing is that the recovered chewing gum has 5 thousand years of genetics hidden inside it. The chewing gum recently found in an excavation in Scandinavia, which has left a response among scientists. And after its recovery, new information of that time is emerging which has surprised the scientists. News from Deutsche Welle.

এবার উদ্ধার হলো প্রস্তর যুগের চুইংগাম! 1

Even then, what was chewing gum? This question can come to everyone's mind. Because this time a chewing gum has been recovered which is from the Stone Age! What is it really? Let's find out. The most amazing thing is that the recovered chewing gum has 5 thousand years of genetics hidden inside it. The chewing gum recently found in an excavation in Scandinavia, which has left a response among scientists. And after its recovery, new information of that time is emerging which has surprised the scientists. News from Deutsche Welle.

Now the question has arisen that then what chewing gum was eaten even in the Stone Age? Scientists can answer this question now. A number of Stone Age artefacts have also been collected in recent excavations in Denmark, Scandinavia. A chunk of frozen birch sap has already been found. Which is used by a young woman like chewing gum.

So how is it known that the frozen gum was used as chewing gum all those years ago? The scientists said that the complete gene structure of a young woman was obtained from the test inside that gum. This is the first time that the complete genome structure of a primitive human has been obtained from a material other than bone'.

From the recovered gum, it is known that 5 thousand years ago, the skin color of the stone age girl was black. The hair was also black. But the eyeball was blue. Perhaps the young woman was a hunter. However, the structure he was found to have is more similar to that of mainland Europeans, not Scandinavia at all.

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