
Snacks on travels around the world

The Dhaka Times Desk We know the relationship between travel and food is eternal. Traveling somewhere is incomplete if you don't taste the food there. So today is a report on travel snacks around the world.

If anyone comes back from Paris without eating crepes or Hong Kong egg waffles, he is truly an unlucky tourist! Similarly, if one travels to Jamaica and comes back without eating the 'Jerk Chicken', then he can be called a stupid tourist.

Today some of the amazing snacks of different countries of the world are introduced. The dishes reflect the country's taste, characteristics and tradition.

Ban Mee

On the other hand, this snack called 'Ban Mi' can be found in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. It is inherent in bread. The banh mi dish is a product of the French colonization of Southeast Asia. It also has a mix of western and eastern cuisine. This banh mi bread is filled with grilled meatballs and other ingredients. There are extras such as liver, cucumber slices, carrot shavings, cilantro, chives and mayonnaise. This banh mi dish is very popular in different countries.


How does it feel to hear the word plagiarism. This 'steal' can be found in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina. It's actually a sausage sandwich. It is a popular dish in Chile, Brazil, Uruguay, Peru, Bolivia and Venezuela. Grilled beef or pork sausage served in a sticky bread. Chimichurri sauce is also included.


Velpuri also exists in our country. But that is completely different. Velpuri is the name of the most popular street food in Mumbai. This Velpuri dish is very popular in other parts of India as well. But it is served with vegetables, masala and chutney. It has mild sweet, salt, sour and spicy taste. Whether on the urban streets or on the beach, this velpuri can be found in both places.


Arepas are found in Bogotá, Colombia. There is no alternative to Aripas as a breakfast. However, Colombians also eat this food as an afternoon snack. This dish consists of cheese, butter, eggs, condensed milk and a type of sauce made from onions, which is called 'Hogao'.

far away

Durum is a famous street food in Istanbul. Durum means roll. A variety of ingredients are rolled into a thin bread. The roll also usually contains spicy lamb kebabs. But chicken and beef durum are also available. Along with that, onion, tomato, cucumber and lettuce are served. Served with hot sauce and herbal curd. Durum is also a very popular street food in Germany.

Rouzia Md

This 'roujia mo' dish can be found on the streets of China. It is said to be one of the oldest sandwiches in the world. People have been eating this food for about 2,000 years. A lot of meat and spices are used in making roujia mo. Pork is served in it. However, beef rouzia mo is available for Muslims. This snack is very popular in different parts of China.


A very popular street food in Rome is this 'suppli'. Mozzarella cheese is served inside this food which looks like a ball. But chicken meat is also used in it. It can be found in any street-side pizzeria in Rome.


This snack called 'Tajine' can be found in the Moroccan city of Maracas. It is actually an indigenous stew from North Africa. This tajine is cooked over burning coals for several hours. Its main ingredients are lamb, beef or chicken. Along with vegetables and lots of spices. Also fruits and nuts are given in it. This tagine is usually served with bread. This snack is very popular throughout Morocco.

Tacos alpastor

Tacos alpastor is one of the most famous street food in Mexico City. Dry chillies, masala and pineapple are used in its cooking. Then this dish is served with onion, coriander leaves and small pieces of pineapple.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ২৩, ২০১৯ 10:42 am

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