Know that WhatsApp will not work on all old phones in the new year

The Dhaka Times Desk From January 1, WhatsApp will no longer be available on several phones. The reason is that the operating systems of those phones are quite old, which is why WhatsApp will no longer support them. According to media reports, this list will include all Windows system phones and some Android and iOS version phones as well. It is known that WhatsApp has announced that its services will not be available on any Windows system phone from January 1. And WhatsApp is going to stop supporting some old Android and iOS phones. On the other hand, WhatsApp will not be available on phones with Android or earlier versions. WhatsApp service will be stopped on these older versions of Android from 1 February 2020.

জেনে নিন নতুন বছরে হোয়াটসঅ্যাপ কাজ করবে না যে সব পুরনো ফোনে 1জেনে নিন নতুন বছরে হোয়াটসঅ্যাপ কাজ করবে না যে সব পুরনো ফোনে 1

From January 1, WhatsApp will no longer be available on several phones. The reason is that the operating systems of those phones are quite old, which is why WhatsApp will no longer support them. According to media reports, this list will include all Windows system phones and some Android and iOS version phones as well. It is known that WhatsApp has announced that its services will not be available on any Windows system phone from January 1. And WhatsApp is going to stop supporting some old Android and iOS phones. On the other hand, WhatsApp will not be available on phones with Android or earlier versions. WhatsApp service will be stopped on these older versions of Android from 1 February 2020.

Similarly, WhatsApp support will no longer be available on phones with iOS 8 or older versions. Due to which the customers of phones running on 'iOS 8' device operating system will no longer get WhatsApp service. In this case too
WhatsApp service will be shut down from February 1.

But the new Android phones are all version 8 or 9. Apple's iPhone 4S also still runs on 'iOS 9'. So don't worry, your phone is likely to be out of that list. So you will get WhatsApp service on it. If in doubt, check the Android or iOS version of your phone.

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Note that WhatsApp has announced this earlier. Those who are not aware about the matter, know the matter again.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ২৩, ২০১৯ 11:19 am

Staff reporter

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