health talk

What to do with the problem of cracked feet in winter

The Dhaka Times Desk Although winter is the favorite season of many people, winter is not at all beneficial for the skin and body. The problem of cracked feet occurs when winter comes. Know what to do about this problem of cracked feet in winter.

In addition to cold and cough problems, skin problems can occur. This is the same reason that the problem of heel or sole of the foot is cracked. Walking with cracked soles or ankles is also very difficult. Walking on the streets with cracked ankles made the situation worse as dust settled on the cracked skin.

Various creams are available in the market to solve this problem. However, there is a risk of side effects due to the chemicals used in them. Cracked ankles can be easily cured by using some side effect free home remedies.

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Banana foot mask and coconut

If the problem of cracked feet is severe, try using this foot mask. This will solve the problem very quickly.

Ingredients: Cut the banana into slices, cut lengthwise 3/4 of the coconut.

How to: Blend a banana with 3/4 of a fresh coconut in a blender or blend well. Then apply it well on the cracked area of the feet. Once the packs are dry, wash them off with lukewarm water. If you don't have coconut at hand, you can grind a banana and mix it with 2/3 spoon of coconut oil to make the mixture and then apply it.

Oil and rice batter

Another effective method to solve the problem of cracked feet is the use of natural scrubs. By using this homemade scrub daily, you can get rid of cracked feet very quickly.

Ingredients: 2/3 tsp rice, olive oil, white vinegar and honey.

How to: First soak the rice and beat it well. Do not beat too finely. Then make a thick paste with 3 spoons of vinegar and 2 spoons of honey.

Now take a little warm water in a big bowl and soak your feet in it for 10/15 minutes. Then massage the thick paste well on wet feet. Leave it for 10 minutes after massaging. Then wash with warm water and dry your feet well. Then heat some olive oil and massage your feet. If you use this pack 2/3 times a week, you can get very quick results from the problem of cracked feet.

Rose water foot mask and glycerin

If you have cracked ankle problem, you can get quick benefits by using this foot mask at the initial stage.

Ingredients: For the foot mask, you will need salt, glycerin, lemon juice, rose water and a little warm water.

How to: First, take 2 liters of slightly warm water in a big bowl with 1 spoon of salt, juice of 1 whole lemon, 1 cup of rose water and soak your feet in it for at least 10/15 minutes. Then wash your feet with something abrasive, such as a pedicure pumice stone, by scrubbing the heels well to remove hard, calloused, and dead skin.

Then make a mixture of 1 spoon of glycerin, 1 spoon of lemon juice and 1 spoon of rose water and apply it on the cracked area of the feet. Leave it like this overnight. Get up in the morning and wash your feet thoroughly with warm water. In this way, you can easily get rid of cracked heels this winter.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ২৩, ২০১৯ 4:36 pm

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