Smartphone can increase body weight!

The Dhaka Times Desk Most of the people go to sleep, eat, walk and travel with their mobile. A single minute can't be thought of without a smartphone. But experts say that smartphones can increase body weight! Currently, the use of this smartphone has reached such a level that even if you try a thousand, you can't be thin!

Most of the people go to sleep, eat, walk and travel with their mobile. A single minute can't be thought of without a smartphone. But experts say that smartphones can increase body weight! Currently, the use of this smartphone has reached such a level that even if you try a thousand, you can't be thin!

Carrying mobile all the time is not a healthy habit at all. If you think that the habit of being on mobile all the time is only disturbing your sleep, it is not at all. Mobile base habits don't make you thin.

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What notification came, why the notification still did not come even after updating the status, such thoughts do not leave us behind. Too much fiddling with mobile phones increases our stress hormones. These stress hormones cause weight gain.

Moreover, when going out for a walk with a mobile phone, the eyes repeatedly go to the phone screen. Due to which the speed of walking also decreases a lot. If you don't walk hard enough, you won't lose weight.

If your eyes are on the mobile while eating, you cannot pay much attention to what you are eating and how much you are eating. Focusing on the mobile phone also makes you more likely to overeat. That's why if you sit down to eat with a mobile phone, the diet is not under control.

Many people have a bad habit of browsing mobile till late night. Looking at the mobile phone does not sleep well at night. And if sleep is not right, stress hormones are released and weight increases. If you don't sleep well at night, you won't be able to get up and work out in the morning. Because of that you may gain weight. So we must be careful when using smartphones. If not, we may have to pay the price of negligence. So be careful to have time.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ২৬, ২০১৯ 2:33 pm

Staff reporter

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