Categories: Picturesque

The mystery of the 'human dog' of Hatirjheel!

The Dhaka Times Desk The story of December 27. A different picture was seen in Hatirjheel. A woman can be seen pulling a rope around the neck of a man. The man then walks on his knees, walking somewhat like a dog.

Wide discussion and criticism started on social media about that issue. Before commenting on this, let's know what it actually is and why it is done the way it is. This is basically 'Performing Art' from Portfolio of Doggness. This Western concept of performing art was first seen on the public streets of Vienna, Austria in February 1968. Valley Export and Peter Weibel participated in this performing arts. On the other hand, the artists of this performing art in the Hatirjheel area of the capital Dhaka are Tutul Chowdhury and Senjuti. It is known that Senjuti is a student of painting and drawing at Dhaka University.

According to media reports, Senjuti referred to the issue as a 'sociological' and 'behavioral' case study. He says that the purpose of this performing art is to show people as animals, just like in cartoons, animals are shown talking and behaving like humans. Senjuti quotes author Claudia Slanner as saying, 'In this picture, a woman is dragging a man by a rope around his neck. It certainly does not paint a picture of our moral and political stability or a better social condition. Rather, the system that society has imposed on us emerges in this scene. What we wanted to do was look at the approach to the work and how it was received by the general public.'

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Senjuti explained the scene that day and the whole uproar on social media. However, pictures and videos of this performing art have gone viral on social media in a negative way. It is said that the human dog was seen in Hatirjheel or the western low nature culture entered our society. In response, Senjuti said, 'If you have a disease, you have to go to the doctor, but before that you have to diagnose the disease. If you are familiar with known diseases, how do you know if there is an unknown/unknown disease? Now if I get sick, it hurts first who! to my family Who cares if we get sick!! This society So if we want to heal the society, we must be healthy first, right? So we just checked if we are healthy. Everyone understands how to cut and cut, but no one ever pays attention to the practical class.'

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ৩০, ২০১৯ 2:05 pm

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