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Scientists uncover the mystery of 'time travel'!

After his father died, Mallet was introduced to the popular sci-fi novel 'Time Travel'

The Dhaka Times Desk Astrophysicist (astrophysicist) Ron Mallett has finally come out of the fantasy world to create a real 'time machine'. According to a report by the news media CNN, this astrophysicist has spent a large part of his career proving the reality of 'time travel'. Recently he said that time travel is possible. He doesn't know what it takes to build a proper time travel machine.

‘টাইম ট্রাভেল’র রহস্য উন্মোচন বিজ্ঞানীদের! 1

Astrophysicist (astrophysicist) Ron Mallett has finally come out of the fantasy world to create a real 'time machine'. According to a report by the news media CNN, this astrophysicist has spent a large part of his career proving the reality of 'time travel'. Recently he said that time travel is possible. He doesn't know what it takes to build a proper time travel machine.

Astrophysicist Ron Mallett lost his father when he was 10 years old. He said that my father's death from a heart attack changed everything for me. For me the sunrise was with him and the sunset with him. He was at the center of everything for me. Even after all these years his death seems unreal to me.

He knows that his father always asked him to read. After his father died, Mallet was introduced to the popular sci-fi novel 'Time Travel'.

Based on the novel he read at the age of 14, Mallet's desires changed completely. He believes that it is possible to change this accident that happened in his family. Since then, Ron Mallett began studying time travel.

After nearly 60 years, Ron Mallett is about to unravel the mystery of time travel. The 74-year-old University of Connecticut professor has also done extensive research on Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, black holes, space and gravity.

Along the way, he recently published a new theory about time travel. Titled 'Creating a Complex and Controversial Device Capable of Time Travel'.

But to scientists, the matter is still nothing but a childish theory. Ron Mallett is still a long way from creating a time travel device. However, the researchers believe that his published journal will make only one new addition to the science of time travel.

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