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Now the mobile phone battery will be charged with urine

The Dhaka Times Desk Now scientists have been able to recharge the batteries of mobile phones or other electronic devices with human urine. Scientists at the Robotics Laboratory of Bristol University in Britain have recently said this


We have told you earlier “Electricity from shoes Cell phones, tablet PCs and portable devices!” and “Mobile charge with headphones!” two news headlines. Now scientists are one step ahead! Recently, scientists at Bristol University's robotics laboratory said they have discovered the technology to re-charge smartphones and other things from human urine. This technology is named “Microbial fuel cells"

In their research, the scientists first grew bacteria in carbon fiber anodes and placed them in a ceramic cylinder Then, when urine enters there, the bacteria break down the chemicals in the urine The electricity generated at this time is stored in the capacitor And through that it stores energy to later act much like a battery With which it is possible to charge the battery of devices like smart phones.

A teacher at the University of West of England and a member of this research team Dr. Lonis Leropoulos He said, "Until now there has been no incident of electricity generation from something like urine, this is the first. The generation of electricity from human urine with the help of bacteria is a special discovery for us because its source will never run out. With the electricity generated from this, it has already been possible to send SMS, use the internet and make phone calls through mobile phones in an experimental manner.

Although it has been experimentally possible to re-charge batteries from urine, scientists want to strengthen the system of "Microbial fuel cells" and charge the full battery of smart phones through it.

It should be noted that this technology development research is being conducted Bill and Merida Gates Foundation And Supported by the UK Engineers and Physical Sciences Research Council.

Source: The TechJournal.

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