The Dhaka Times Desk It is almost hard to believe that so much money can be earned by playing games. But in reality that is what happened. Four young people from Bangladesh earned 9 thousand dollars by playing the game! Four Bangladeshi youngsters achieved this success in the first edition of the Aziata Game Hero tournament. This four-member Bangladeshi gamer team named 'On Fire Cyanide' won the third place in this tournament and received a prize of 9,000 US dollars.
It is almost hard to believe that so much money can be earned by playing games. But in reality that is what happened. Four young people from Bangladesh earned 9 thousand dollars by playing the game! Four Bangladeshi youngsters achieved this success in the first edition of the Aziata Game Hero tournament. This four-member Bangladeshi gamer team named 'On Fire Cyanide' won the third place in this tournament and received a prize of 9,000 US dollars.
The members of this Bangladeshi team are Muhammad Nazmus Shakib, Mahmudul Hasan Asif, Khawaja Qutub Uddin and Refat Ahmed Roni. The regional e-sports tournament is organized by Asian telecom giant Aziata Group Berhad.
To participate in this international gaming event held recently in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 12 teams of Aziata's four operating companies in Asia, Robi Aziata of Bangladesh, Boost of Malaysia, Smart Aziata of Cambodia and XL Aziata of Indonesia participated with a total of 48 gamers.
The top 3 teams from each country qualified for the final round of Asiata Game Hero in Malaysia, with four gamers each. The remaining two teams represented from Bangladesh are Bangla Unity and Team Incredible.
Gamers participating in this competition have to play an interesting game called Free Fire. The teams had to win the finals of Game Hero's Bangladesh phase before going to the final round.
This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৬, ২০২০ 11:08 am
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