Categories: Picturesque

Rafflesia Tuan-Mudai is the largest flower in the world!

The Dhaka Times Desk A truly exceptional flower! That's why the flower can be so big! That's why the world's largest flower has been found in Indonesia.

A truly exceptional flower! That's why the flower can be so big! That's why the world's largest flower has been found in Indonesia.

According to a report in the media, the name of this large red flower with white spots is Rafflesia Tuan-Mudai. It is basically a flower belonging to the Rafflesia family. The size of this recently bloomed flower is 111 cm (3.6 ft). A few years ago, the same type of flower was found in the jungles of West Sumatra, Indonesia. The shape of that flower was a little small 107 cm.

Ade Putra of Sumatra's Agam Conservation Organization said this is the largest Rafflesia tuan-mudai flower seen so far. It stays fresh for weeks after which it dries up and rots. The parasitic flower is also better known as the corpse flower. The flowers smell like rotting meat to attract insects to eat.

According to a report in the media, this flower is named Rafflesia after the British imperialist Sir Stamford Raffles. This type of flower is found in Southeast Asian countries. Previously, 100 cm Rafflesia flowers were found in the Philippines.

And it was first found in 1818 in a forest in Sumatra, Indonesia. The flower is named 'Rafflesia arnoldii' after a combination of the Sumatra giant Stamford Raffles and parts of the name of the discoverer Joseph Arnold.

According to a news report, this flower has 5 large and thick petals. The diameter of the flowers ranges from 1.5 to 3 feet. This flower cannot make its own food because it does not have leaves. The beauty of this flower fascinates flower lovers but its fragrance does not attract anyone. When approached, the smell of rotting flesh emanates from the flower. That's why many call this flower as 'dead flower'.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৬, ২০২০ 12:17 pm

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