
Know what to do when your nose is blocked due to cold

The Dhaka Times Desk The outbreak of winter is going on across the country. During this season, it feels very cold when you step out of the house. And then the hands and feet get cold. During this time, the problem of cold and cough also increases. Many people get stuffy noses. It is difficult to breathe. What to do in such a problem?

Medicines do not solve this problem easily. It takes quite a while. In a word, you have to suffer for a long time. However, if some beneficial natural ingredients are taken in a proper manner, Updon can get rid of the problem of nasal congestion in a short time.

The Indian press has prepared a report on this subject with the advice of experts. In the light of that report, let's know what to do when the nose is blocked.

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Some Home Remedies for Nasal Congestion:

# Garlic's antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties can relieve your stuffy nose. It also works against flu. 2/3 crushed garlic should be boiled in a cup of water for at least 10 minutes. Then strain the water and drink warm water. Drinking garlic water twice a day will cure nasal congestion very quickly.

# Ginger juice should be taken by chopping ginger and then rubbing it with a little salt and chewing it. Drinking ginger juice directly in this way will quickly solve the problem of blocked nose.

# infection and nasal congestion problems can also eat lemon. To eat lemon, you will need half a lemon juice, a glass of water and a teaspoon of honey. How to eat it - first heat water and mix honey in it. After that, mix lemon juice and drink it. Drinking lemon-honey mixture twice daily will cure this problem.

# Bay leaves are rich in anti-inflammatory. Which works specifically to reduce the incidence of cold related problems. Bay leaves will work very well to bring back the taste, especially in reducing the problem of stuffy nose. How to eat - Boil 5/6 bay leaves in one and a half glasses of water for fifteen minutes. After burning, strain the water and drink it.

# Another good remedy for nasal congestion is menthol. Add a few drops of menthol to hot water and cover with a towel. Then take the steam of that hot water in your throat, you will see that the problem of blocked nose will disappear.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৯, ২০২০ 11:57 am

Staff reporter

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