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'Xenobot' is the world's first living robot!

Without additional food supplies the dynamite can survive for several weeks at a time

The Dhaka Times Desk Scientists have created a living robot. It will be the first living robot in the world. This robot, which scientists have named Xenobot, has been made using frog stem cells.

‘জেনোবট’ বিশ্বের প্রথম জীবন্ত রোবট! 1

These living robots can walk and even swim. CNN reported that the country could survive for several weeks without additional food supplies.

A group of researchers from the University of Vermont and Tufts University in the United States have created the world's first living robot in the laboratory through artificial intelligence (AI) design through supercomputers. The robot is made from the stem cells of an African species of frog. The width of this robot is less than 1 millimeter.

Researchers collected living stem cells from African frog embryos and grew them in the laboratory. But it is repeatedly cut and rearranged to get the shape according to the design of the supercomputer. It has a physical structure that has never been seen in nature.

According to the University of Vermont, after the desired structure is given, the cell becomes active on its own. Skin cells also form the structure of its body. It gives the heart muscle cells to beat. It even has self-healing powers. After cutting one such robot in two, scientists observed that it reverted back to its previous form and started moving again.

Researcher Joshua Bongard said, Xenobot is not a traditional robot, nor is it an ordinary animal. They are 'living instruments'. They are simultaneously alive and programmable like machines. Moreover, Xenobots are not like conventional robots from the structural point of view. They have no shiny gears or robotic arms. It looks like a small moving pink mass. Moreover, this robot is capable of doing things that are not possible with steel or plastic robots.

The researchers also said that conventional robots also degrade over time. These robots can also cause harmful reactions to animal health. But Xenobot, though a biological machine, will be environmentally friendly and safe for human health.

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