The Dhaka Times Desk India has succeeded in launching a satellite into space at the beginning of the new year. India launched the first satellite of 2020 last Friday morning. India's communication satellite Gsat-30 reached space in that rocket. The satellite was sent on a European Space Agency rocket. The satellite was launched on the heavy lift launch vehicle Ariane-5 (VA 251).
India has succeeded in launching a satellite into space at the beginning of the new year. India launched the first satellite of 2020 last Friday morning. India's communication satellite Gsat-30 reached space in that rocket. The satellite was sent on a European Space Agency rocket. The satellite was launched on the heavy lift launch vehicle Ariane-5 (VA 251).
The satellite was placed in orbit 38 minutes after launch. The 3,357 kg satellite will reportedly replace the Insat-4a spacecraft. This satellite will work to increase communication in various places including Indian islands.
The lifespan of this satellite will be 15 years. It is said that this satellite will be especially effective in improving the communication system in rural areas. The satellite took off from the Guyana Space Center in France in the early hours of the morning. It is also said that DTH services and digital news services will be available from this.
The European Space Agency launched India's communication satellite Gsat-31 a year ago. India and France have been working together in space research for a long time.
Astronauts are scheduled to train for Gaganyaan from the third week of this month. 4 astronauts have already been nominated, ISRO chief K Shivan said.
According to media reports, Gaganyan is India's first manned space mission. For which 4 astronauts have been confirmed. It is reported that Gaganyan's test flight will be sent into space this year.
Shivan told the media that the training will start in Russia in the third week of this month. He also said that this training will continue for Chandrayaan 3 and Gaganyan. He thanked the technician in Chennai for spotting Chandrayaan 2 face down on the lunar surface. K Sivan said that they understood the whereabouts of Chandrayaan 2. They also understood what was wrong with the Vikram lander. He also told why this happened.
This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ১৯, ২০২০ 10:46 am
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