
Travel: Rangamati, Bandarban, Sundarbans are some places to visit in winter

The Dhaka Times Desk There are many places to visit in Bangladesh. We can visit those places especially during this winter. By doing this, we will get rid of one of our boredom. Let's find out about some of the most beautiful travel destinations today.

Sajek Valley of Rangamati

Currently, the most popular place in Rangamati district is Sajek Valley. Sajek Valley, famous for the rooftops of Rangamati, is located at an altitude of 1800 feet above sea level. Although the location of Sajek is in Rangamati district, it is much easier to travel to Sajek from Dighinala in Khagrachari due to geographical reasons. There is no doubt that you will be mesmerized by the picturesque mountain range and valley of white cotton clouds all around. Sajek is such an amazing place where you can be mesmerized by the presence of three forms of nature in the same day. Sometimes it will feel very hot and then you might get drenched in rain or in the blink of an eye you will be covered in thick fog. Sajek is an ideal place to watch the game of flying from mountain to mountain with natural scenery and cotton-like clouds.

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Bandarban is another charming natural environment place. When we think of touching the clouds, the place that comes to our mind is this Bandarban. The hilly district of Bandarban has a different appeal in winter. Bandarban with the mountain range built on the side of the Sangu river, with the clouds on its head, gives every moment to the tourists. Starting from the home of the tribal Bomang Raja, the golden temple on top of Jadir Hill, Lake of Meghla Tourist Complex, Nilachal, Nilgiris, suspension bridge and small zoo, rock cliffs, Chimbuk Hills, tribal villages, mobile markets etc. all make Bandarban rich in terms of tourism. It is a unique place from all places in Bangladesh.


Rangamati reminds me of that song. 'On the road to Rangamati, Madal Baje – the bamboo flute is playing'. Surrounded by the music of Madal and Banshi, Rangamati has built a tribal museum to inform us about the art, culture and history of the tribes of Bangladesh. Near the museum is the home of the Chakma king and the Buddhist pilgrimage site Rajavan Vihar. But the biggest attraction of Rangamati is the hanging bridge. A large number of people flock here every year to see the hanging bridge, the symbol of Rangamati. Reserve Bazar and Tablachari Bazar are two popular local markets on the banks of Kaptai Lake. From here, if you go by boat towards Shublong Bazar, you can see Shublong Jharna. Although this spring is not at a pleasant stage in winter, you will find some famous restaurants here to taste the hill tribal food on the way.


Not only the mountains or the sea, but the forest also attracts the beauty lovers separately for visiting in winter. This vast mangrove forest area of nearly 6,000 square kilometers, designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, is a paradise for wildlife lovers. In the Sundarbans, you can see a variety of animals including the Royal Bengal Tiger, Chitra deer, Maya deer, monkeys, crocodiles. A kingdom of 330 species of small and large trees such as this Sundarbans has many attractions including Katka, Heronpoint, Kachikhali, Kokilmani, Dublar Char, Putni Dwip and Mandar Bariya. Trekking through the deep forest by launch, treading the ground fearlessly in search of tigers in the ga chamcham area will surely add an extra layer of adventure to your trip.


Bagerhat district can easily be included in the travel plan after visiting the Sundarbans. Among the ancient mosques located in Bagerhat are the historic Sixty Dome Mosque, Nine Dome Mosque, Jindapir Mosque, Ranbijaipur Mosque, Singra Mosque, Chunakhola Mosque and Tomb of Hazrat Khan Jahan Ali etc. Apart from the ancient history, the architecture of these mosques will also blow your mind.

Where do you want to travel this winter? It has all the detailed information to get to your desired destination Travel guide information repository. Also you can share your travel experience with them.


This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ১৯, ২০২০ 12:39 pm

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