
How to remove roughness of hair this winter

The Dhaka Times Desk When winter comes, several changes in hair can be observed. One of them is roughness of hair. What to do to eliminate this roughness? Find out today. Hair falls within the criteria of beauty. So hair needs to be taken care of. Hair needs extra care to remove roughness this winter.

When winter comes, several changes in hair can be observed. One of them is roughness of hair. What to do to eliminate this roughness? Find out today. Hair falls within the criteria of beauty. So hair needs to be taken care of. Hair needs extra care to remove roughness this winter.

Many times it is seen that the hair roots split and dandruff accumulates at the hair roots. Therefore, excessive hair loss is also seen. There are some steps you can take at home to eliminate these problems.

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Let's know what to do in winter hair care:

Mix # onion juice, black cumin and coconut oil together and use it 2/3 days a week. Using this for a month will reduce the roughness of your hair.

# If the root of the hair is split, after putting bay leaf in hot water, if the water turns red, then cool it and wash the hair after shampooing the head.

# Winter vegetables and fruits should be included in the food list. Drink plenty of water.

# can be used 3/4 times a week by making a paste of egg white, curd and aloe vera gel together.

# can cause roughness in the hair in winter. So hair care must be oiled at least two to three days a week.

# Comb the hair two to three times a day. This keeps the hair clean and free from the dust of the season.

# To remove dandruff at the roots of the hair, half an hour before taking a bath, apply warm oil on the roots of the hair and then take a bath. You will benefit from it.

By taking the above steps, you too can hopefully keep your hair normal this winter.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২৩, ২০২০ 10:06 am

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