
Travel: Visit Achranga Dighi in Jaipurhat

The Dhaka Times Desk There are many important places within the country as well. which we can visit. These places can be visited at a very low cost. For example, you can go to Achranga Dighi in Joypurhat if you want.

Acharanga Dighi is located in Mamudpur Union of Kshetlal Upazila of Joypurhat District. It is a traditional sign of ancient civilization. According to locals, during the reign of Moun Bhatt, the zamindar of the original dynasty of Tahirpur in Rajshahi district, the rainfall was low. Because of that, the agricultural lands became almost unfit for cultivation. Maun Bhatta dug this lake in the mid-9th century (c. 817 AD) to make the agricultural land suitable for cultivation. Spread over an area of about 26 acres, Acharanga Dighi is 1000 feet long and 1070 feet wide. Aman paddy was cultivated in this region in the month of Agrahayan with the water of Acharanga Dighi. At the beginning of Paush, the fields of paddy ripening red color looked strangely beautiful. Because of that, the name of this upazila became Khetlal.

Acharanga Dighi is surrounded by 4 tied ghats and numerous green groves. There are various folklores surrounding the Dighi in this area. Legend has it that Dighi water was used as a medicine for various diseases in ancient times as it is clear and sweet like Kakcha water. Traditional religious rituals were also organized around this Dighi at that time. In 1992, re-excavation of Achranga lake was undertaken for reforestation. About 12 ancient statues found at that time are currently preserved in various museums of the country. During the winter, visitors are replete with the chirping of various kinds of birds. Many visitors flock here to spend time in the mesmerizing natural environment of this lake.

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how to go

Jaipurhat district can be reached by various buses bound for Rajshahi from Gabtali, Mohakhali, Abdullahpur and Shyamoli, Kalyanpur in the capital. Besides, from Kamalapur railway station there is an opportunity to go to Joypurhat by Nilsagar, Ekta, Hritzan and Panchagarh Express trains. Coming to Joypurhat district by bus and reaching Kshetlal upazila, you can go to Acharanga Dighi which is 9 km away by local transport.

where will you stay

There are several residential hotels in Jaipurhat district such as Hotel Saad, Promi Hotel, Hotel Prithvi, Haque Convention Center.

where to eat

Joypurhat has various quality food hotels and restaurants like Cafe Orange Chinese Restaurant, Hotel Sada, Banalta, Ruchita Restaurant and Prince Restaurant.

Other Sightseeing Places in Jaipurhat

Other attractions in Jaipurhat include Nandail Dighi, Bar Shivalaya Temple, Hinda-Kasba Shahi Jame Masjid and Children's Park and Resort.


This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২৭, ২০২০ 2:54 pm

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