
Excursion: Visit Rangamati Polwell Park

The Dhaka Times Desk Rangamati is definitely a good place to visit. So if you want to visit Rangamati Palwell Park. There are all arrangements including meals.

Palwell Park has been constructed under the supervision of Rangamati District Police right next to Kaptai Lake. With a touch of creativity, Paulwell Park has been ranked as one of the best entertainment centers in Rangamati. The varied landscape, innovative architectural style and aesthetic seating area give the park a different dimension. Paulwell Park is thronged by numerous visitors every day to spend time in the scenic natural environment and to have fun.

There are various means of entertainment here. Like merry go round, honey swing, mini train, paddle boat etc. Apart from various interesting rides, Paulwell Park also has Haunted Hill Caves, Mountain Artificial Fountains and Kolsi Fountains, Crocodile Bridge, Traditional Crafts of Village Bengal, Hillview Point, Lakeview Point, Love Lock Point, Mini Zoo, Fishing Pier, Aquarium, Cafeteria, Swimming Pool, Car parking and Paulwell Cottage. There are also facilities for various social events including picnics.

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Entry fees and other expenses

The entry fee to Paulwell Park is Tk 30 per person, the fee for various rides is Tk 30 to Tk 40 and the swimming pool entry fee is Tk 200. 8000 rupees to rent a cottage in Paulwell Park. However, various rates of discount are also available for booking cottages here throughout the year. Cottage booking includes breakfast, free swimming pool access, free entry, car parking, free WiFi and 24-hour security.

Contact : DC Bungalow Road, Rangamati
Mobile : 01837-335595

how to go

There are various Rangamati bound bus counters at Fakirapool Mor and Syedabad in Dhaka. Dhaka to Rangamati Shyamli AC bus fare is Tk 900 per seat, BRTC AC bus fare is Tk 700. Other non-AC bus fares are Tk 600 to Tk 700.

Also various transport buses to Rangamati are available from Oxygen junction of Chittagong city. You can also get direct bus from Chittagong to Rangamati within Tk 150.

A CNG fare of Tk 50 is required to go to Polwell Park located on DC Bungalow Road, just 1.5 km from Rangamati Reserve Bazar. CNG fare will be Tk 100 to go from Banrupa.

Where will Rangamati stay?

Polwell Park also has cottage facilities for overnight stays. If you want to stay somewhere else, you will find several quality residential hotels in Rangamati city's Old Bus Stand and Reserve Bazar areas. Among the residential hotels in Rangamati, the notable residential hotels are Hotel Green Castle, Tourist Motel, Rangdhanu Guest House, Hotel Sufia, Hotel Al-Moba etc.

where to eat

Polwell Park also has cafes and restaurants. Rangamati also has hotels and restaurants of various quality cuisines. If you want, you can try different local traditional dishes along with daily meals in any restaurant.

Other places to visit in Rangamati

Other places to visit in Rangamati district are:

Shubolang Jharna
Sajek Valley
Kaptai Lake
Tribal Museum
Jhum Restaurant
Tuktuk Eco Village
Chitmaram village and tower
Sheikh Russell Aviary and Eco Park
Traditional Chakma Rajbari
Raikshyang Pond
Nirbanpur Forestry Center
Rajban Vihar
Peda ting ting
Tribal textile market
Navy picnic spot
Rajasthan hanging bridge
Furmon Hill
Aryapur Dharmojjwal Banvihar
Doluchari Jeetavan Bihar
Betbunya Geosatellite Center
Kattali Bill and Na-Kaaba rhyme fountain.


This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২৯, ২০২০ 1:33 pm

Staff reporter

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