The Dhaka Times Desk Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that if we want, we can reduce Pakistan to dust in 7 to 10 days. According to a report in Hindustan Times, the neighboring country has lost 3 wars with us. However, they have been continuing the 'shadow war' for decades. Earlier the army was not allowed to operate. There have been surgical strikes and airstrikes during our time.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that if we want, we can reduce Pakistan to dust in 7 to 10 days. According to a report in Hindustan Times, the neighboring country has lost 3 wars with us. However, they have been continuing the 'shadow war' for decades. Earlier the army was not allowed to operate. There have been surgical strikes and airstrikes during our time.
Narendra Modi made these comments while addressing an event of National Combat Students (NCC) in New Delhi last Tuesday.
Modi claims that Jammu and Kashmir has been a problem since independence. A few families and political parties have kept the valley issues alive.
As a result, terrorism has repeatedly reared its head. Thousands of innocent people have lost their lives over the years. The residents were forced to leave Kashmir. The current government is trying to solve these decades-old problems.
On the Kashmir issue, Narendra Modi also said that the previous governments used to see the issue as a law and order issue.
The Indian Army wanted to take action but was never allowed to. This problem has arisen due to the inaction of previous governments.
On the other hand, despite the nationwide protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), Prime Minister Narendra Modi claims that peace has been maintained in other parts of the country, including Jammu and Kashmir.
India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi mentioned the abolition of triple talaq in the country and the withdrawal of Article 370 from Kashmir as the central government's success.