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Diagnosis of corona virus in 15 minutes from 8!

The Dhaka Times Desk Experts working at a technology company located in Wuxi, eastern China's Jiangsu province have found a way to diagnose the coronavirus in just 8 to 15 minutes.

Experts working at a technology company located in Wuxi, eastern China's Jiangsu province have found a way to diagnose the coronavirus in just 8 to 15 minutes.

China's state news agency Xinhua confirmed this. According to the news, they worked jointly with China's National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention and were able to figure it out in just 10 days.

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China's state news agency Xinhua also reported that the mass production of boxes or kits with the necessary equipment to confirm the presence of the corona virus within 8 to 15 minutes has also started in Chiche. It is reported that currently 4 thousand boxes are being produced per day. However, Usi city authorities are trying to increase the production level.

The first shipment of boxes or kits with virus testing equipment is being used in Wuhan, Hubei province. Corona virus is believed to have originated from Wuhan.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ২, ২০২০ 10:03 am

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